Ben Avery's first novel Ghosts of the Future has the flare of old-school pulp sci-fi, infused with modern sci-fi ideas and sensibilities. For fans of science fiction with wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff thrown in . . .
A strange anomaly lured them off course with the promise of profit and discovery!
An impossible planetoid challenged them with mysteries -- from a derelict starship with a tragic history to alien structures with a baffling origin!
A deadly enemy plunged them into a confrontation on the edge of a dangerous cosmic maelstrom!
The crew of the freighter starship Tabitha could not have known that what they thought would be a simple investigation of an interesting and unusual anomaly in space would turn into a collision of the past, the present, and the future . . . and a conflict with one inevitable outcome.
One of them WILL die.